Wanderers: Galactic Gauntlet
WANDERERS: Galactic Gauntlet
2,000,000 $WANDER is up for grabs!
The Galactic Gauntlet is a 3 day team based tournament played in Wanderers where players compete on teams, rack up tickets, and earn $WANDER¹.
Your goal is to kick ass and earn tickets. Keep reading to learn more.
How it works:
Players log into Wanderers, select “Tournament Mode” and choose a team:
Every enemy killed earns tickets towards that teams score. Players can track the leaderboards below.
Ticket Multipliers:
- Wanderers holders earn a global multiplier per NFT held
- Daily planet (announced each day) will have a multiplier on all tickets earned on that planet
Thursday, November 21 @8am ET - Friday, November 22 @12pm ET
On day 1, there is a 2x Multiplier on all tickets earned on Necrosis.
Friday, November 22 @12pm ET - Saturday, November 23 @12pm ET
On day 2, there is a 5x multiplier on all tickets earned on Pyromon.
Saturday, November 23 @12pm ET - Sunday, November 24 @3pm ET
On day 3, there is a 10x multiplier on all tickets earned on Haze.
Each day 666,666 $WANDER is split between the top 5 winning teams in a laddered distribution.
Within each top team’s daily winnings:
- The top 10 players split 50% laddered.
- The rest of the team² splits 50%.
- Allocations are claimable once $WANDER TGE is live.
- A minimum threshold is required to be eligible. This amount is dynamic and based on the global participation.