Games Calamity

Calamity is a 2D top-down sandbox MMORPG with real-time combat, combining classic gameplay inspired by WoW, Lineage 2, and Albion Online with a player-driven economy powered by blockchain.
In its current version, players can explore dungeons, master diverse skills, trade valuable loot, and engage in various dungeon modes and boss fights.
Future updates will expand Calamity into a social MMORPG with open zones, complex economic systems, talent trees for combat and crafting, guild systems, and more.
Calamity will also feature an expansive crypto ecosystem, including staking, item and lootbox minting, seamlessly bridging traditional MMORPGs with the Web3 gaming space.

- Developed BySomething Is Cooking
- Game StatusBeta (Open)
- Platforms
- Total Volume
- GenresRPGRogueliteFree to Play
- Player InfoMassively Multiplayer (10+)
- Competitive FrameworkPvPPvECooperative